I thought Aaron came across a little arrogant in a few spots.
After seeing this comment, I reread the interview. You are right: there are parts of the interview where I sound rather arrogant. I'm sorry about that.
I was using the opportunity to promote the classes and the book, and sometimes that veers a little close to self-promotion. It was an honest mistake, and I'll be more careful in the future.
(Honestly, I didn't think anyone would actually read the interview. I was on vacation at the beach, the children were napping, and I pounded out the answers and sent them to InformIT.com before the boys awoke. InformIT.com? Who reads stuff on InformIT.com!? )
by Aaron Hillegass — Jun 03
After seeing this comment, I reread the interview. You are right: there are parts of the interview where I sound rather arrogant. I'm sorry about that.
I was using the opportunity to promote the classes and the book, and sometimes that veers a little close to self-promotion. It was an honest mistake, and I'll be more careful in the future.
(Honestly, I didn't think anyone would actually read the interview. I was on vacation at the beach, the children were napping, and I pounded out the answers and sent them to InformIT.com before the boys awoke. InformIT.com? Who reads stuff on InformIT.com!? )