I was using Cocoa Animation (core animation implemented in AppKit), initially layer-backed and was getting poor looking results with NSTableView (flickering contents on resize etc. possibly because of the NSScrollView performance hit, Scott mentions above), I switched off the WantsLayer but left the view animator code and got exactly what I needed and it works perfectly. I assume this is the "animation" code in AppKit that doesn�t require CAlayers.
WantsLayer is needed for things other than moving the frame/bounds around, for instance for fading views,... If you are just moving views arounds, the animator works without the need for WantsLayer (and then none of the text rendering issues).
by Charles Parnot — Oct 04
WantsLayer is needed for things other than moving the frame/bounds around, for instance for fading views,... If you are just moving views arounds, the animator works without the need for WantsLayer (and then none of the text rendering issues).